Tuesday, February 1, 2011


so far things are going well
been very slack with this blog but busy with other ones and 2 important projects

so i'm happy

Joined Snap fitness yesterday so looking forward to stretching everything and giving it a flex

wondering about doing a training photo log dunno yet

now if i hadnt lost my pass card between 3pm yesterday and now... :o/

ahhh gotta love my ability to loose things fast!

Friday, January 21, 2011

technical interuptions to THE PLAN

so there's been a bit of silence on my part... bad blogger!.... but i DO have a good reason.

My city has gone underwater and is in the midst of one of the biggest clean ups known to man.

To put it into perspective the flooding from "katrina" flooded 100 thousand square km of new orleans and surrounds.The current QLD floods cover 2500 thousand square km..... thats flood water the size of Texas

(cause you know that QLD is BIGGER then Texas right ;) )

anyhow thats my Bad Blogger excuse!
And i'm sticking to it!

So Its been and eventful fortnight.

Along the way i have lost 2.6 kg which is AWESOME for me ! and MR  PLAN has lost almost 8kg! GO him!

as an example Here is the same house Viewed DURING the flood from a boat and AFTER the clean up has started

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lifestyle university wk 1

Even though my life is stressful, I have a variety of methods to manage stress, and I cannot think of a better time to start my diet.

I believe that I can lose weight successfully if I have the right tools and methods.  

I know that losing weight will not solve all of my life's problems. 

I have thought about losing weight for a long time and I believe that there will never be a better time. 

I am ready to commit effort each week to organising and planning what I will eat. 

Am I Willing
Maintain a food and exercise diary
Set goals and stick to them
Plan meals
Become aware of the fats, carbohydrates and calories of the foods you eat
Eat smaller portions if necessary
Cut back on high-fat or high-carbohydrate foods
Cut back on foods or drinks that are known to contribute to excess weight
Increase activity levels
Make losing weight a priority
Keeping a diary certainly keeps you honest – especially if you record your meal before you begin eating!
Other benefits of keeping a food and exercise diary:
  • It helps you see exactly what you eat and drink
  • Helps you identify the relationship between food and mood
  • Helps you identify the situations and events that prompt unconscious overeating
  • Prevents "calorie amnesia" – the forgetfulness about calories consumed that can prevent weight loss and lead to weight gain during maintenance. Recording calories puts you back on the right track
  • Promotes greater self-discipline
  • Motivates you to eat less and exercise more
  • Encourages accounting accuracy
  • Helps you cope with inevitable plateau periods. Allows you to verify calorie intake and exercise regularity, as well as keeping an eye on body measurements.

Random Topic Tuesday- Motivation and Rain

 "Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." Stephen R. Covey

Motivation is the fuel that lights your fire to achieve incredible dreams and to overcome obstacles, and it's the force that drives you to set and achieve meaningful goals.
Motivation energises you.
Motivation is the key to get you going and to keep you going.

I have close to no motivation for exercise at the moment.

It has rained, heavily, for almost 40 days.
I havent seen more then an hour of sun for almost 3 weeks. Its depressing. It affects everything about your being.

At this point, today, its reached catastrophic levels. Luckily i'm in just about the only part of Brisbane, which is a capital city so we arent talking some little place in the middle of nowhere, thats not underwater.

It is increadibly hard to do any form of excersize. its hard to even drive to the gym.

Following a well controlled callorie counting format seems to be somewhat helpful as I'm about a kilo lighter.
Which reminds me I need new batteries for the scales.

Everyone i know... stay as safe as you can!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January- Daily Diary- cakes and trivia

Ok so the daily diary thing isnt going so well HAHAHAHHA

Today i finnished my Thomas the tank engine cake for Dom and Rach's littles guy Thom... who turned 1 today.
not too bad looking ( will update with pics later)
Tonight was also the first trivia night for the year. We WERE doing really well, 14/16/16..... then round 4 and its theme of science hit us... bah buh bonnnnnnng....12! 12! that not really good lol.

came home to a big big storm raging everywhere and had to blow dry the dog *eyeroll*

Monday, January 3, 2011

January- Daily Diary- Family

What is it about the majority of my inlaws that grates and irritates me? Quite a bit actually.
I dislike being surrounded in a cacophony of unnecessary noise. You're having a conversation, you dont have to yell like a banchee. Your playing with the 2yr old, you dont have to be screaming at the top of your lungs.
Its just really not necessary. There is  a distinct drop in the sound level from sonic boom to normal loud talking and joking when certain people leave.

Yesterday was Sunday.
Sundays are Roast day.
We often dont go when we know certain people are going to be there as neither of us can handle that noise and "look at me look at me i'm awesome" routine. DH feels the need to lie to get out of it. I think its about time we just start telling it how it is.... is B going? yes? then we arent coming. I know everybody thinks we dont turn up because of me, and I dont like that so i'm about to stop taking the crap for dh. if he doesnt want to go he needs to stand up for himself and be honest.
Yesterdays roast was "special" for new years...why? who the hell knows... why lunch not dinner like it has been for more then the last 10 years? guarantee you its cause B had to work at 6pm!

Possibly I'm just sensitive at the moment because we have another failed cycle. But I dont think so. I've just really had enough of being treated like a 3rd class citizen.

Other then that nothing much has gone on.  Its time to make another Pender party cake, this time its a thomas the tank engine.
Should be an interesting few days :D as we are trying to be good with our diets. Cake off cuts are not so good dietry wise lol

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Random Topic Tuesday starts early!

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."  T.S. Eliot. 

I am, like many others are, obsessed with the newness that comes with Jan 1st. The potential and anticipation of a clean slate drives thousands like me to make promises, both to ourselves and to others, that we hope to keep. And all because the little numbers on the clock tick over and we call it a new year.
I have a box full of diaries/journals that have begun on Jan1st....only to see the first 10-20 pages written on and then lie there abandoned for the rest of their existence.

2011 things decluttered

Thats right 2011 things de-cluttered. Now de-cluttered means thrown out/ donated/ passed on to family and friends. It does not mean your usual household trash! The cornflakes box, apple cores, and bread packets dont count!
i'm starting at about 390 as we've cleared out the shed and its sitting down the side of the house waiting for a skip bin

2011 things for 2011

Starting the list off, lets see how fast i can grow it. not in order of importance or relevance, just in the order it flicks into my mind

Well its 2011

So welcome to the new year and the new blog :D

Like it has been for the past 2 months the weather is FAbulous ( not).
Sunny Brisbane has turned into a slightly warmer version of england..... grey, windy, raining everyday almost all day. This isnt the best thing for getting household stuff done... washing, mowing and the motivation to do any of the house stuff LOL.

As usual i'm going to start the year full of good intentions. Normally i dont get very far.
I'm going to try REALLLY hard this year.

I'm going to try to maintain in here-
  • a daily Diary Entry
  • a daily Diet Entry of either food consumed or foods/recipes tried
  • a daily Exercise Log
  • Weekly House status updates
  • Weekly/Monthly business plans/goal updates
  • probably weekly TTC posts/vents
  • and a Weekly Chat about some Random Topic
  • the Week in Photos
  • 2011 things decluttered for 2011
  • 2011 things to do for 2011

Please comment anytime you feel the need to, but please play nice!
I'm just rambling away without any idea if there is one or one million people playing attention, in the hopes that its a little cathartic and cleansing.