Saturday, January 1, 2011

Random Topic Tuesday starts early!

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."  T.S. Eliot. 

I am, like many others are, obsessed with the newness that comes with Jan 1st. The potential and anticipation of a clean slate drives thousands like me to make promises, both to ourselves and to others, that we hope to keep. And all because the little numbers on the clock tick over and we call it a new year.
I have a box full of diaries/journals that have begun on Jan1st....only to see the first 10-20 pages written on and then lie there abandoned for the rest of their existence.

The cusp of a new year brings thoughts of hope and possibilities. Its time to dream. Time to see your life where you want it to be. To strive to get it to match your dream life. Forget the last year's failures, put the bad times behind you. 2010 wasn't exactly a good year for my family and I want to seize the opportunity to start over, to get it right, get it together, to get a grip, to get my life FUNCTIONING. No falling off the wagon or botched attempts at self-improvement this year, I've had enough of trying to do all those things. It's time to DO all those things.
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" --  Jedi Master Yoda
So whether your goals, like mine, are to get your finances in order, lose weight, hype up  your business, start back at the gym, or finish those House Reno's, we're going to need some steadfast techniques to ensure that this time the changes will last, my resolve will endure and I will attain your goals once and for all.
So for help in this I'm going to use some of the time proven and well worn techniques

  1. Write down how achieving your goals will benefit the quality of your life, and refer to it often to stay motivated.
  2. Strategize how to reach your goal. Write down your long-range goal, then break it down into smaller steps.
  3. Have patience with yourself. You didn't develop your bad habits overnight. It will take time to meet your goals.
  4. Consider some guidance. If you continue to have trouble achieving your goals, consider consulting with a therapist for some direction.
  5. Read. Read, watch or listen to something inspiring every week. This will give you added motivation to stick with your program
  6. Continue living the steps that get you to your goals or you will fall back into old, bad habits. Make your changes a lifestyle
  7. Make it fun. If you aren't enjoying yourself, your changes won't stick. Get excited about the progress you make and reward yourself for the milestones you pass.
  8. Track your progress. Keep a journal, a spreadsheet, cross off the days on a calendar, whatever fits your lifestyle, but make sure that you keep track of how you're doing. 
  9. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal. It has long been understood that athletes use the practice of visualisation to prepare for their individual sports. Spend some time each day quietly picturing yourself as a non-smoker, debt-free, 30 kgs. lighter or successful at whatever your goal is. Your subconscious mind will use these pictures to help you achieve your goal.
  10. Replace bad habits with good ones. Smoking, drinking, spending money and eating out can all fill a void in your life and relieve stress, at least in the short term. Quitting these habits without replacing them with something positive will leave you feeling empty and out of sorts. Devise a substitution plan for the pleasure that your vices once gave you. Figure out what healthy alternatives give you pleasure

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